HOME _______________________________________________________________________________ ROSSKNECHT SOFTWARE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) How do I inventory vehicles? You print out vehicle log sheets (sample enclosed) with vehicle #'s assigned, fill out log sheet for vehicle, then use the EDIT- MODE screen (pictured below) of the SYFILE program to enter the vehicle record into the computer. You can also use your existing vehicle numbering system, up to 6 characters. How do I inventory parts? The 30 (or more) best selling parts from each vehicle are automatically inventoried in the "Inventory Vehicle Parts" screen after the vehicle has been inventoried. After giving the vehicle number, you can select from various standard parts lists for different vehicle types. Some of the standard parts lists included are for example: Pass. car, RWD; Pass. car, FWD, Pick-up, RWD; Pick-up, 4WD; etc. You can change the standard parts lists to suit your operation and you can create new ones. You can also inventory all loose parts and new parts using the part log sheets and the EDIT-MODE screen. Additionally there is a conversion program called Excel2RS which can read your Excel™ spreadsheet and convert to a loadable format. Do I have to inventory every part on a vehicle? No, parts not inventoried will still show up as sold from that vehicle if the car-# which the part is pulled from is entered on the Transaction Slip (invoice) screen at the point of sale. Most yards inventory only the major items or parts which sell best. Can I inventory parts from vehicles that are gone or unknown? Yes, these are handled like other parts except that there is no car-# entered and one make, model and year range that the part will fit should be entered if known. Can I keep part records permanently, even if quantity drops to 0? Yes, normally part inventory records are removed from the SYPART inventory file when quantity of that part drops to 0. However, if you have certain part records which you want to keep "permanently" in the SYPART file (new parts for example) you can mark those records for save and they will be kept regardless of quantity. When vehicles are scrapped, what happens to the vehicle record? When a vehicle is crushed or otherwise removed from the yard inventory, the vehicle record is modified to indicate the "date out" for that vehicle. That vehicle record is then not displayed when doing searches for parts, but can still be accessed thru the SYFILE program. Vehicle records are not removed or deleted completely, because there may be still be parts on the shelf associated with that car-#. Also some states require that vehicle records with VIN # be kept even after vehicle is crushed. Can my new part inventory be put into this system? Yes, some yards handle new radiators, windshields, etc. and these parts can be entered into the SYPART file. The SYPART file has a field for part number which can be used with new parts. New part records can be marked for non-removal (with ++ at the end of the date field) if you plan to stock the part continuously. You can enter application information for the new part as make, model, year range or as engine displactment, etc. Can I load data into the SY system from another program? Yes, you receive a utility program to load Excel™ or ASCII files imported from other programs or data bases into any of the SY system files. Also any SY system data can be exported in Excel or ASCII format to other spreadsheet, data base, or accounting software Is there labor and core handling? Yes, if a part sold has a core (part-# with -C on end) the core is automatically pulled onto the invoice with the part. Labor hours are automatically multiplied times the shop labor rate and totaled on invoice. Labor hours may be entered as actual hours, flat rate hours, or labor operations can set up as permanent records containing flat rate times which you specify; (see "LABOR" item on sample invoice enclosed). What reports or print-outs are available? Invoices, "pick lists", and inventory reports can be printed. A pick list is a listing of the parts or vehicles which have been found in a computer search and which can be used by yard personnel to retrieve the required parts. Any of your inventory, sales or customer data can be printed out in either a short 1-line print format or complete record print. There is a separate print menu for this and you can perform a '2 key search' to find anything (or everything) in any data file. Printed reports are page numbered and dated automatically. If I do not need a point-of-sale invoice printed, can I still use this system? Yes, some yards may not have a printer or may have their own forms to use at point-of-sale and that will work here. Just use the Transaction Slip screen in the normal way, then after finishing the screen, just select the option "accept, Don't print". The inventory will be adjusted and the part(s) recorded as having been sold from that vehicle, but nothing will be printed. Can I change the Model-Finder and Part-Finder menus? Yes, you receive utility programs to edit the menus as needed for your operation. The Part-Finder menu has approximately 700 part groups built in and the Model-Finder has about 400 makes and models of cars and trucks. You also receive empty menu files with which you could build your own custom menus from scratch. What about a parts interchange library that tells me what other parts will fit an application? The Rossknecht Software SY system does not come with a pre-loaded parts interchange library except for some collision and body parts. Our recommendation is to use the Hollander E-Book (Registered Tradenames of ADP Hollander) which can be loaded on your PC along with the SY system and used in a multi-tasking mode. Can I look at my sales totals or sales tax totals? You can get instant screen or printed totals from sales history: Total sales = $ 2137.80 net taxable sales = $ 1484.94 returns = $ 125.00 net non-tax sales = $ 396.26 net sales tax = $ 89.10 S. & H = $ 42.50 net POS amount in = $ 1128.30 net sales = $ 1881.20 (POS= Point of Sale cash drawer bal.) There is also a bookkeeping Payables file named EXPENSes for keeping track of your payable invoices and general business expenses. This is also handy for classifying your deductions for income tax purposes. How can I see how well a part is selling? You can look it up in sales history by part number or you can look at the part inventory record. The cumulative total sold of each part is kept in the part inventory record as "cumulative sold". This is mainly for parts in "perpetual" inventory, meaning new parts or salvage parts which you keep in stock continuously. ******* SAMPLE SHORT PRINT FROM THE VEHICHLE INVENTORY ******* PRINT-OUT 1 from VEHICL file 10-OCT-16 sorted by key "mmodyr" car-#____mmodyr_______loc_________VIN_____________body____color____eng___trans 1005 BuLesa 81 sec B, # 1G4AN69N2BX1095331 4SD beige/ta DIESEL AUTO 1010 BuSkyh 79 R-2,SP22 4S07A97408320 2HT BLACK 231 4 SPD 1006 BuSkyl 81 row 24, 1G4AC6952BT154123 4SD green 2500 AUTO 1003 ChCamaZ28.84 sec 1, # 1G1AS87HXEL213609 2HT BLUE 305 700R4 1008 ChCava 84 ROW 12-S 1G1AD69P5EJ116402 4SD BLUE/WHI 2000 AUTO 1004 ChCors 87 sec C, # 1G1JE5112HJ143623 4SD MAROON 2.5 4TE AUTO 1007 ChImpa 82 row-6, # 1G1AL35H8CX101027 4SW black 305 AUTO 1009 Da510. 78 r12, #24 WHLA10034670 4SW BROWN 2000 4 spd 1001 DoChrg 85 row 12, 1B3BZ44A4FD386658 2SD GREEN/WH 2.2 5 SPD 1011 HdAccdDx..91 yard 1, H24G69BH91E200481 2HB green 2800 5SPD ********** SAMPLE SHORT PRINT FROM THE PART INVENTORY ********** PRINT-OUT 1 from SYPART file 10-OCT-16 sorted by key # 6, "mmodyr" stock#______part type____ _________location_____mmodyr_____car-#___qty___price 00145 SEB-bucket seat, tan leathe ONV sec B, BuLesa 81 1005 2 70.00 00128 BCF-body clip, front B-15-F BuSkyl 81 1006 1 350.00 00154 AXR-rear driving axle, w/ 2 ONV sec 1, ChCamaZ2884 1003 1 175.00 00149 BMP-bumper, complete T-46-3 ChCamaZ2884 1003 1 65.00 00155 WHA-wheel, alloy SD-41-3 ChCamaZ2884 1003 3 45.00 00156 WSG-windshield glass, tinte WSR-415 ChCava 84 1008 1 60.00 00165 DSK-brake disc (rotor), fro T-836 ChCors 87 1004 2 50.00 00168 DOR-door assy, right front JD-27 ChCors 87 1004 1 100.00 00180 DRM-brake drum, rear B-37-9 ChImpa 82 1007 2 20.00 00172 ENG-engine, complete, 305 ES-14-23C ChImpa 82 1007 1 375.00 8419-C ENG-CORE-305 engine -4 110.00 00183 HOD-hood ONV row 12 DoChrg 85 1001 1 100.00 ********** SAMPLE SHORT PRINT OF SALES HISTORY ********** PRINT-OUT 1 from SYSOLD file 10-OCT-16 sorted by key # 1 "docnum" inv-#____date_______part_type________item-#__cust-#___mmodyr____qty______price 10001 02-NOV-01 RAD-radiator, compl 00129 CASH BuSkyl 81 1.0 ea. 70.00 10003 04-NOV-01 HLH-headlamp housin 101 Da510. 78 1.0 ea. 10.00 10003 04-NOV-01 MLF-front fender mo 101 Da510. 78 1.0 ea. 20.00 10004 12-NOV-01 TGS-tail gate, stat CASH Da510. 78 1.0 ea. 90.00 10005 16-NOV-01 ENG-engine, complet 102 Da510. 78 1.0 ea. 185.00 10005 16-NOV-01 001-replace engine LABOR 102 3.6 hrs 135.00 10006 17-NOV-01 WHA-wheel, alloy 00190 101 DoChrg 85 2.0 ea. 38.25 10007 19-NOV-01 body adhesive, 3M 2748 1.0 ea. 5.50 10007 19-NOV-01 MLB-moulding, left 2748 DoChrg 85 1.0 ea. 35.00 10009 04-DEC-01 TM5-5 spd trans, ma 00192 CASH DoChrg 85 1.0 ea. 225.00 10009 04-DEC-01 TM5-CORE-5 spd trns 6694-C CASH 1.0 ea. 55.00 10014 14-DEC-01 SUK-suspension knee 101 ChCamaZ2884 1.0 ea. 100.00 10015 16-DEC-01 bumper, rear CASH ChCamaZ2884 1.0 ea. 90.00 ROSSKNECHT SOFTWARE PO Box 494598 Redding, CA 96049 STOCK #'S FOR PARTS leave LOCation blank if part is ON Vehicle Stock# vehicl# part LOC part description qty 00274 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00275 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00276 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00277 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00278 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00279 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00280 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00281 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00282 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00283 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00284 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00285 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00286 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00287 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00288 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00289 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00290 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00291 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00292 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00293 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00294 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00295 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00296 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ 00297 ___________ _____________ __________________________________ ___ ROSSKNECHT SOFTWARE PO Box 494598 Redding, CA 96049 VEHICLE LOG SHEET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vehicl#: 1018 mmodyr:____________________________ location_____________ VIN:_______________________ engine:________________ trans.:______________ color:____________ body style:__________ date in:___________ cost:$_______ NOTES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vehicl#: 1019 mmodyr:____________________________ location_____________ VIN:_______________________ engine:________________ trans.:______________ color:____________ body style:__________ date in:___________ cost:$_______ NOTES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vehicl#: 1020 mmodyr:____________________________ location_____________ VIN:_______________________ engine:________________ trans.:______________ color:____________ body style:__________ date in:___________ cost:$_______ NOTES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROSSKNECHT SOFTWARE PO Box 494598 Redding, CA 96049 SAMPLE Transaction Slip (invoice) ____________________________________________________________________________ | INVOICE NO. 18472 | | J & L Auto Salvage message line 1 ...................... | | 10341 Airport Road message line 2 ...................... | | Cleveland, OH 54223 message line 3 ...................... | | phone 303-884-5315 message line 4 ...................... | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sold to: cust-#: ACE BODY S Ship to: | | Ace Body Shop | | 12472 Airport Road SAME | | Cleveland, OH 41398 | |____________________________________________________________________________| | date | by |code| terms | P.O. # | reference | | 15-OCT-11 | BK | 02 | 30 days net | 41314-ACE04 | 01433948-OH1308 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| | item-# | car-#| qty|unit| price | description | amount | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | |00196 |1005 | 1|ea. | 43.75|brake disc (rotor), front| 43.75| | | | | | | | | |3792-C | | 1|ea. | 10.00|CORE-brake disc (rotor) n 10.00| | | | | | | | | |00153 |1003 | 1|ea. | 60.00|taillamp assy, left | 60.00| | | | | | | | | |00191 |1002 | 1|ea. | 275.00|engine, complete | 275.00| | | | | | | | | |LABOR-001 | | 3.6|hrs.| 40.00|replace engine n 144.00| | | | | | | | | |TOW | | 1|ea. | 70.00|Towing service n 70.00| | | | | | | | | |TOW-C | | 6|days| 8.00|Storage charge n 48.00| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |________________|______|____|____|_______|_________________________|________| | | | SUBTOTAL: 650.75 | | Your boilerplate warranty or disclaimer | | message in this area- 9 lines in all ( 6.50000%) TAX: 24.62 | | S. & H.: .00 | | TOTAL: 675.37 | | AMOUNT PAID: .00 | | BALANCE: 675.37 | | SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| SY Salvage Yard System Manual by ROSSKNECHT SOFTWARE TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTALLATION & SETUP...........................4 CD installation.............................4 Windows Icon for Desktop.... ...............5 (Registered Tradename of Microsoft Corp.) Setting the screen window size . . . . . . .5 Setting up printer(s).......................5 Troubleshooting the Hasp Device Driver . . .6 Network Installation........................6 Setting fixed parameters for invoices.......6 Optional Set-up steps to customize SY.......8 GETTING STARTED - STRATEGY.....................9 OVERVIEW OF THE SY SYSTEM ....................10 PROTECTING DATABASE INTEGRITY.................11 ENTERING VEHICLE DATA.........................11 How to print Vehicle Log Sheets............11 How to enter your vehicle data.............12 Details of all fields in Vehicle file......12 ENTERING PART INVENTORY DATA..................17 Inventory a vehicle's parts all at once using 'Inventory Vehicle Parts' screen.....17 How to print Part Log Sheets...............18 Using your own stock-#'s (and tags)........18 How to inventory your salvage parts........18 How to inventory your new parts............20 PRINTING PART LABELS and BAR CODES. . . . . . 21 CHANGING PART INVENTORY DATA..................22 The Inventory restocking & editing screen..22 CORE HANDLING...............................23 How to make a core inventory record......23 SETTING UP CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS................24 Example of how to set up CUST account....24 LOOKING UP PARTS............................26 5 methods of looking up parts...........26 Which search method to use..............26 String search method . . . . . . . . . .27 USING PART INTERCHANGE INFO.................30 Using other interchange libraries such as Hollander ............................30 (Registered Trade Name of ADP Hollander) Building your own interchange- The CATLOG electronic cataloging file...............31 SELLING PARTS- TRANSACTION SLIP.............32 How to get parts onto invoice............33 Editing the invoice screen fields........33 How to sell parts not in inventory.......35 Sales tax setting: per item or per CUST..35 How to do a return for credit............36 How to do a cash refund..................37 LABOR HANDLING..............................38 How to set up a labor flat-rate oper.....38 Example of a labor operation.............38 How to put labor onto the invoice........38 TOWING & STORAGE CHARGES....................39 How to put towing & storage onto invoice.39 EDITING THE PART-FINDER.....................40 EDITING THE MODEL-FINDER....................40 EDIT-MODE (data entry) SCREEN...............41 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS.......................42 PRINTING SY REPORTS.........................43 PRINTING VEHICLE or PART LOG SHEETS.........43 PRINTING VEHICLE or PART "PICK LISTS".......44 PRINTING CUSTOMER LETTERS...................44 DATA BACK-UP & RECOVERY.....................45 How to back up your data.................45 The RECOVER program......................46 REINDEXING..................................47 How to reindex a data file...............47 When to reindex..........................47 IMPORTING & EXPORTING DATA..................48 How to export data from the SY system....48 How to import data into the SY system....48 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE- THE EXPENS FILE...........49 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.........................51 How to put your name on statements.......51 How to print statements..................52 How to enter customer payments...........54 The Statements Menu options..............55 THE ELECTRONIC CATALOG FILE, CATLOG.........57 Details of CATLOG record.................57 How to add data to CATLOG ...............57 Suggested CATLOG abbreviations...........58 Details of using CATLOG fields...........59 Doing CATLOG lookups from SY main menu...62 UCARS, THE USED CARS PROGRAM................64 Overview of the UCARS system....... ......64 Getting Started - Strategy................64 Setting up vehicle invoice (Bill of Sale).65 Selling a Vehicle- Sample Bill-Of-Sale . .66 Entering Expenses for used vehicles.......67 GETTING HELP.................................68 APPENDIX.....................................69 _______________________________________________________________________________ ROSSKNECHT SOFTWARE Contact email: esales@rossknecht.com ™ Excel and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation